What volunteers have to say about Vive Peru
As someone who came into the program knowing legitimately no Spanish whatsoever, the work I was doing and the full-immersion lifestyle enabled me to improve and pick up on the language at a rapid pace.

Tori Kontor
I started this trip with so many different ideas and expectations. I never could have imagined that I would see a C-section, help an injured man with a suture, give shots to babies and adults, run the triage center and so much more.

Ayoshna Ganesh
Before arriving, I feared that my basic Spanish background would be my biggest challenge and that this great big city would overwhelm me. But instead, for the past two months, I have been living in Trujillo, Peru as a social work volunteer and I love it.

Krisa Duff
Vive Peru opened my eyes to an entirely different culture, which led me to appreciate various perspectives. One of the most important lessons I learned from this experience was the power of giving – I was volunteering my time, but I felt like I received more than I gave.

Jenny Huh
Unlike other programs, Vive Peru has many connections in Peru and there are full time staff who live in Peru year round. This is key to having a good program.

Amanda Hagerman
The winter session is great. It’s such an enriching way to spend the holidays. There is so much to learn medically in the internship and so much to love about the culture.

Morgan Godley
I am so glad to be part of an effort to guide these amazing kids in the right direction.

Jennifer Cantrell
My clinical medicine experience with Vive Peru, although different than what I expected, was everything I could’ve wanted and more.

Jacob Musinsky
Overall, the most significant take-away from the campaign was that it was full of moments that essentially reconfirmed my belief that this type of profession is what I need to be in.

Alexandru Buzata
Teaching here is amazing. My last month here I will be teaching all my classes alone (YIKES!) but I am excited for the challenge.

Amanda Hensley
I really lucked out on this whole experience. I couldn’t be more happy with it. I will miss Peru and all of the relationships I have formed. Overall, this trip was well-worth the money and time.

Alexandra Neumann
Volunteering in the fall of 2012 was such an important experience for me. It solidified my desire to work in social development in the future and it also allowed me to work with the community in ways that I hadn’t before, on a much more personal level.

Erin Kiekhaefer
Returning Volunteers
If you volunteered with us in Peru and are itching to come back, check out these volunteer opportunities! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us- you’re probably chatting with us on Facebook already anyway!
We can’t wait to hear from you–we can’t do it without our amazing volunteers!
“Volunteering in the fall of 2012 was such an important experience for me. It solidified my desire to work in social development in the future and it also allowed me to work with the community in ways that I hadn’t before, on a much more personal level. “
-Erin Kiekhaefer, Social Work Volunteer 2012